Saturday, November 28, 2009


Red Eared Sliders are semi-aquatic. Meaning, they like to go on land and swim in water. They spend most of their time in water and sleep underwater. During sunny hot hours, Red Eared Sliders will crawl out of the water to bask under the sun. They enjoy outdoor unfiltered sunlight and soak up the heat. Being cold-blooded, if a Slider is not allowed to leave the water to bask, his body temperature will be too cold, making it difficult for him to sleep underwater at night. They can actually move quite fast on land, and are absolutely fantastic swimmers. They will hunt for prey that is easy to catch when opportunities arise, and are very wary of predators including humans. If feeling threatened, they will slide straight back into the water to take cover. Red Eared Sliders MUST eat their food in water. They have fixed tongues, and have no saliva and therefore require water to swallow their food. Without a water supply, they will die of dehydration and starvation. Another thing to note is, although some may be shy they can still bite. Anything with a mouth, can bite. Adults have powerful jaws that will draw blood if they bite hard. Chunks of flesh can be ripped by their sharp beaks. They do not enjoy being handled at all.

1 comment:

  1. my slider loves being picked up .i flip her over and gently,softly caress her shell.she relaxes and makes cute sounds......she sits on my lap while i watch tv.comes to me and sits on my feet so i can pick her up.
